Onze scholen zijn weer begonnen, campaign Veilig Verkeer Nederland

Safety tips to prevent students traffic accidents

in on my way on 20 August, 2024

Twice as many road casualties among young students needs prevention by this safety campaign

After the summer holidays, we pay extra attention to the safety for students. There should be more awareness that a striking number of traffic accidents take place just after the summer holidays. Particularly among students. Safe Traffic Netherlands wants to put a stop to this negative trend. And asks the whole of the Netherlands to take a closer look.

Check out our categorie ON MY WAY for images and videos with this safety campaign.

Safety starts with you

After the holiday, when traffic in the Netherlands is relatively quieter and you can ‘easily drive on’, you suddenly find yourself in the hustle and bustle again at the end of August/beginning of September and that takes some getting used to. Then the chance of irritation, haste and therefore inattention is high. And for students, the start of (the sometimes new) school is always exciting and the cycling route to school and participating in traffic are not always 100% where the attention lies.

‘Onze scholen zijn weer begonnen’ campaign for a safe start of school

The ‘Our schools have started again’ campaign by Veilig Verkeer Nederland helps schools and municipalities to contribute in an accessible way to a safe start to school for pupils after their summer holidays. Materials and expressions are available such as banners, posters and sandwich boards on lampposts that can be hung in a clearly visible position along motorways and crossings close to the bicycle routes of the young people. Attention is also drawn to road safety in social media.

Fact: In the month of September, immediately after the summer holidays, there are relatively twice as many road casualties among 12-year-old students as in the rest of the year.

Road safety tips for parents

This is how you help your child to school safely! After the summer holidays you will start the school season fresh again. It can be useful for parents to practice the sometimes new school route on a bicycle with your child in advance. Make it fun, for example by going to lunch somewhere afterwards or linking it to an outing. Do you want your child to get to school and back home safely? Read extra tips here, or do the VVN Bicycle Check with your (grand)child.

Onze scholen zijn weer begonnen, campaign Veilig Verkeer Nederland

Traffic safety tips for motorists

You determine road safety. As an adult road user, you want to prevent accidents. In this period of the starting school year, take responsibility for treating the still inexperienced young people with a little more patience in traffic. Take a second more rest, reduce your speed at cycle paths, crossings and the region around the schools. Be aware that the children may be slightly tense and distracted.

Information tips for schools

Safety in and around schools always has the highest priority. Together with teachers, we draw attention to the safe start of school after the summer holidays. Because many accidents still occur during this period. The ‘Our schools have started again’ campaign is widely supported in the Netherlands by nearly 500 schools, municipalities and the business community. 


Together we do everything we can to prevent as many road casualties as possible among our young cycling students. To know more, go to the campaign website. The Dutch government is taking measures to better protect cyclists, young and old. Read HERE what the policy is on safety in bicycle traffic.


Watch and download our free to use image and videos available on So Dutchie in categorie ON MY WAY

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