Welcome to So Dutchie and how great that you are reading this page. Because yes, we would like to work with everyone with respect, so read this information carefully and we also refer you to the FAQ and Privacy Policy of the So Dutchie organization. We manage the website sodutchie.com and all services surrounding it.
Sodutchie.com is an online content platform that is accessible to anyone who makes or wants to use Dutch images. Any photo or video can be posted, provided it was taken in the Netherlands and meets the quality and standard requirements.
1. Access to So Dutchie
By accessing and using our image bank, you accept these terms of delivery and agree to all provisions contained herein. We reserve the right to unilaterally change or modify these terms and conditions or any So Dutchie policy or guidelines at any time.
To use So Dutchie you must be at least 13 years old.
So Dutchie is freely accessible to anyone who wants to upload, download and use the photos and videos for their own purposes, whereby the guidelines below must be respected.
1.1 Account and registration
We recommend that you create an account on So Dutchie. It’s free and doesn’t obligate you to anything. However, downloads are also available without an account. We do ask for your email address so that we can send you your download information. We know these forms of registration:
Free download without account. Do you see a photo or video that you would like to receive? Click on the download button and enter your email address and press send. The download will start immediately afterwards and the download link will also be emailed to you. We will keep you informed of new features, sections and content on the platform.
Free account on So Dutchie. Then you no longer need to enter your email address for each download, all your downloads are also visible in your account overview. We will keep you informed of new features, sections and content on the platform.
Free ‘makers’ account. Then you are entitled to upload photos and videos and build your own portfolio. You help put Holland on the map and show yourself, great! We ask that you share accurate information about yourself, some of this is not visible to third parties and can only be seen by So Dutchie. You protect your account with a password and ensure that your account is properly maintained. You are responsible for handling your login and password securely and confidentially. Any actions you take from your account are your own responsibility. If you lose information or your account no longer seems secure, please let us know immediately at support@sodutchie.com. You can reset your password at any time via your profile. We will keep you informed of new features on the platform via your specified email address and show your portfolio in our communications such as e-newsletter and social media. We may also contact you if we have an order from a customer.
2. License form for photos and videos
You may download and use all photos and videos according to our terms of use as described in these terms and conditions under ‘content rights’. We grant you a worldwide copyright license in ‘free use’ to download, copy, modify, share and use photos and videos uploaded to So Dutchie by creators. Includes private and commercial use, which does not require permission to use from the creator. However, all content from So Dutchie cannot be used to fill a comparable competing platform under its own management and the ‘content forms and content rights’ mentioned below must be complied with, which sets out prohibited content and restrictions on the use of content.
3. Content rights
3.1 Free Use:
a. All images in our image bank are available free of charge for personal and commercial use, unless otherwise stated.
b. You may edit, modify, and distribute the images as you wish, without the need for attribution (although crediting the source is always appreciated).
3.2 Restrictions:
a. It is not permitted to use images from our image bank in a manner that is contrary to the law or infringes the rights of third parties.
b. You may not use the images for any illegal, offensive, defamatory or immoral purpose.
c.When you upload content in the form of a photo or video, you must be the owner of this material.It cannot be created by someone else, or have rights of a third party in it.It is original material and not a copy of any other external source.
d.The images may NEVER be used for resale without visible, deviating editing.So a photo may not be printed on a T-shirt and resold without prior agreement with the maker of the photo, or without the image being edited in such a way that it is far removed from the original.Avoid disputes and contact the maker yourself.That’s fair enough.
4. Forms of content
a. We give your creativity plenty of space, so photos and videos may be edited in the studio and we greatly appreciate your artistic value!
b. Preferably post content that shows your distinctive, own style as a creative maker.
4.1 Not allowed content:
a. We do not want to see anything on So Dutchie that contains anything that could be found offensive, defamatory, inflammatory, incriminating or immoral by So Dutchie users.We monitor content but cannot 100% assess every content.If you experience content on So Dutchie that you or someone else find objectionable, please let us know via support@sodutchie.com, stating the link to the content.We take this report very seriously, assess the content and act as quickly as possible and provide the reporter with information about this.Afterwards no correspondence can be entered into about our decision.We provide the person who uploaded the content with information about this, with the option to remove or adjust the content. In the event of repetition or highly unauthorized material, the creator may be immediately excluded from our platform.
b. Images on which logos and trademarks are visible and prominent.The only exclusion is when a trademark itself commissions a challenge, in which case logos are more than welcome.
c. People who are recognizable, without having given written permission or having demonstrably waived their portrait rights.Blurred photos are not allowed, simply because it really doesn’t look nice.
d. Do not take photos or videos of works of art without explicit permission from the artist.
5. Authorship:
Mentioning the source or author of the image is not mandatory, but is appreciated.
6. Withdrawal and Amendment:
We reserve the right to remove images or change terms of delivery at any time without notice.
7. No Liability:
a. We make no warranties as to the accuracy, quality, or suitability of the images for any particular purpose.
b.We are not liable for any damage, loss or liability arising from the use of our image bank or the images.
c.So Dutchie is not liable for the recognizable faces, shapes, logos or objects that have not been created and uploaded to our platform in accordance with the consent rules.If you or your object are in a photo or video, please let us know if you wish to remove them and we will take care of this immediately, naturally informing the creator of the content.Contact us at support@sodutchie.com
d.So Dutchie cannot and is not obliged to 100% monitor all content that is uploaded.We ask creators and users to be respectful and to take our rules of conduct into account.A claim against So Dutchie will not be honored.However, we may remove content from our platform at any time and without reason, so please let us know if content is shown that you believe does not comply with our rules of conduct and we will act.Please contact us at support@sodutchie.com
8. Data collection:
We may collect limited personal data for statistical and analytical purposes and to inform you about our services.Your privacy is important to us;please see our privacy policy for more information.
9. Dispute Resolution:
In the event of disputes, we will initially attempt to resolve them amicably.You can always reach us at support@sodutchie.com.Any disputes that cannot be resolved in this way will be submitted to the competent courts.
10. Contact details:
a. For questions, comments or requests regarding our delivery terms, please contact us at support@sodutchie.com.
11. Updates:
These terms of delivery may be updated without prior notice. It is your responsibility to regularly check the terms for any changes. By using our image bank, you agree to these terms of delivery. We recommend that you read these terms carefully before using our image bank and only proceed if you agree to all of the terms.